Friday, March 6, 2009

Got my stiches out today!

Leslie dropped me off at the doctors in Mount Kisco and then had to jet off to teach her ballet class at the Rec center in Mount Pleasant. I could have waited over an hour for her to finish the class and get Annabelle off to her dance class and then pick me up, or instead I could cab it back. Seemed the best option all things considered, so I dialed Kisco taxi (666-6000, if you're in the neighborhood). By the time I ambled to the other end of the corridor to the main entrance, the blue Cadillac was already pulling up. Much nicer car than anything encountered with Pleasantville taxi. The driver had a shaved head, and a sense of cop or military about him. I'd asked in advance on the phone what the fare from Mount Kisco to Pleasantville would be (remembering P'ville taxi charged me 23.00). The guy said he'd have to check with his boss. After I eased into the back of the cab and told the driver where I needed to go, he remarked he still didn't know exactly what the fare was, but he guessed about 16.00, based on the slightly lower fee to nearby Chappaqua. I'm liking these guys a lot more than the Pleasantville operation right now. He still thought he should double check with his boss, but he added with a half-chuckle, "He's in PT right now." Ok here we go again--wouldn't be a normal cab ride if somebody wasn't telling me how somebody was being patched back together.

"What happened to him?" I venture.
"Had to have his knee-cap replaced."
"Whoa." Not an extra leg bone, but still good.
"Yeah, bad car accident. He's down at that place between Pleasantville and Chappaqua."

Aka Pleasantville Physical Therapy. If a cabbie isn't driving me to Pleasantville Physical Therapy, then he is in Pleasantville Physical Therapy.

The car pulls up the driveway, and the guy wishes me luck in recovery. I wish the same to his
boss, adding "Maybe I'll run into him."

I'm home with my new brace. It feels easier to move around the house, and I don't seem to need to put my leg up as frequently to relieve the pressure and soreness. I am feeling like I'm
on the road to recovery for real, and that's a good feeling, but I know it should also be a warning that I could do some real damage by overdoing things in a premature expectation of normal function. However, I feel like my two weeks excursion into home-bound rehab is coming to an
end, and I was sure to get a physicians note today so that I can hit the ground on Monday and
return to work.

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